Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Blur that was August

First the imperial boss arrived from the ‘Merika. When gods descend, mere humans quiver like gelatin in buko-pandan salad. I’d like to think I’m made of stronger stuff. Unfortunately, I have a brood of kids that I need to protect so the last two weeks were a blur of trying to ensure that my kids did their cartwheels to perfection.

Then there were the needless moments of agonizing over assignments for school. Days and days of guilt and anxiety that dissipated when I finally sat down to attend to them. Madali lang naman pala. Of course I had to wait for the eleventh hour. I think I’ll never ever rid myself of the addiction to cramming. The adrenaline rush is pure joy! Perhaps it’s my way of reconnecting to my cavemen ancestors. Because I don’t have giant snakes or some other prehistoric beast trying to eat me for breakfast, I get my survivor surge from anthropomorphizing my schoolwork and pretending they were vampires out to suck me. I mean, suck my blood. ‘Chos.

First week of the month I went home to the province to make my Papa happy on his 84th birthday. Because vacations are usually the most hectic and non-relaxing of all human activities, this set the tone for the rest of the month.

While all these were happening, I discovered Restaurant City on Facebook. In two weeks of playing I now am Level 27 thanks to (minor) hacking and leaving my laptop on overnight.

So there, this is my excuse for not posting enough, and I know it’s not enough but what can I do? I’m only human.


Abaniko said...

By the end of this year and with your FB addiction, you'd probably look back and say "The blur that was 2009." Careful with all those FB games!

Mike said...

Wow you are in level 27 already? that's an achievement... :) COngrats

Anonimus said...

@Mike... Not too proud of that Level 27 because I used stamina and ++points hack. I had a hard time decorating the restaurant because I was Level 27 already but I didn't have too much money to make it pretty...

@Abaniko... this is the only FB game I ever played consistently, not counting Word Challenge which I still do from time to time just to see if I can score 40K kahit walang praktis... LOL... Don't worry... as soon as i get one three main courses to Level 10 I'll stop. Hahahaha. I have too much schoolwork and work-work to ever have enough time to for FB games.